Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 8

Also I cannot find my camera cord, so until I do, here's proof that my comic is done. If I don't find my cord in the morning, I'll redraw it digitally


It reads: "Oh Boy! An Online Course! Groovy!"
Mom: "HEY, NAT, WORK 4 U"
"Hooray! They like my idea! BRB, DISNEYWORLD!"
"Time to get on the internetz!"
"no internet 4 u!"
"Right, the fans want more comic?"
"3D Assignment"
madison: "You suck!"
"AND that is the story of my Semi-recovery. I suppose we all have our off days, or weeks, or summers. But, Black Feather Gospel is progressing and is being well-received. That has been my hope for the class, to progress it. Hopefully things will speed up though. Otherwise I'll be 30 by the time the first "book" is done. That'd be disgusting."

And here are my free entries for the week...Two and a half pages from the comic

Here Here and Here

And More Music related, here is a T-shirt design..of sorts I did. I know it needs work. Its missing SOMETHING I just cannot figure what. So any crit on this would be super mega appreciated. Thanks so much, fellow art students. Its inspired by a CD I've recently ...acquired. its full of all these pop songs by has-beens liek Alanis Morisette, Third Eye Blind, and No Doubt, but they're rock covers. Yum.

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